Tickets – The Swag Jam "The Polish" Edition Berlin
Its about time we teamed up with @Goldiethebossy for a "Polish" SWAG Jam Edition!
For this special occasion we inivited some of the dopest polish and german-polish rappers to join us on stage:
Pusher x Oska030 x Polski Bandyta (@lilpusher x @oska030 x @polski_bandyta)
Fruchtmax (@fruchtmax)
Dmnk030 x Big Polak (@dmnk030 x @bigpolak_offiziel)
Gracek (@the.gracek)
Due to the limitations for safety measures around the pandemic and to maintain an inclusive policy, we'll keep our event as 3G and play every 2 weeks in front of a seated audience till further notice. Please bare with us as we appreciate your continued attendance and participation.
Where there is sound, there is music and when the music plays, it gotta have The SWAG.
Gefördert von der Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien & der Initiative Musik im Rahmen der Förderung „Neustart Kultur“.