Tag der Clubkultur - SOUNDCHECK TO SHOW: FLINTA-ONLY WORKSHOP 03.10.23 in Berlin, Badehaus
Tickets – Tag der Clubkultur - SOUNDCHECK TO SHOW: FLINTA-ONLY WORKSHOP Berlin
Not only on stage but also in Front of House (FoH), there is a lack of visibility and representation for FLINTAS. We want to create a safe space in this workshop for FLINTAs to learn the basics and processes of show preparation for FoH, including audio and lighting technology. From setup to soundcheck to configuring the lighting console, it's all hands-on. Following the workshop, the Swag Jam takes place, the legendary weekly hip-hop jam at Badehaus, open to all.
Programm: 4 - 6 pm FLINTA-only FoH Workshop